- August 19, 2020 -

Traveling With Children Who Struggle With Anxiety

Anxiety?  It’s a word that we hear very often today! Does your child struggle with anxiety and does this make you anxious and maybe even prevent you from traveling.?  If so, here are some tips to help:

  1. Include your child in the planning phases so they know what to expect.
  1. Give them a copy of the travel schedule (if old enough of course).  My son does well with a calendar with times and events so this may help when traveling as well.
  1. Plan, plan, plan and plan again.  Make sure that your vacation is planned and your son or daughter is aware of the plans.
  1. Pack some things that you child loves and that may bring them comfort (stuffed animal, blanket, pillow, etc).
  1. Go in with low expectations. I know this may  be viewed in a negative manner, but we always travel knowing that it might not go the way we planned.  If you have a picture perfect vacation in your head, it probably won’t happen.
  1. Know when your child has had enough and needs a break.  Being over-stimulated and riding rides for 12 hours straight may call for a break.  Monitor your child’s body language, mood, etc.

I hope this has helped gain some ideas on how to travel with an anxious child.  Please don’t let anxiety stand in your way of traveling.  You can do it!  Life is short, take the trip, and make the memories.

Thank you to our Marvelous Mouse agent Brenda Schruefer for these helpful tips! Many of our agents specialize in helping families with special needs. Reach out when you are ready to plan your next vacation, we would love to help!

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